
Bruno Grife is a musical producer,remixer And technician,who has been Utilising his formal knowledge in electronics For building and modifying musical gear to Suit his compositions and live performance.
With his band,Terry Poison,Bruno appeared on stages alongside:
Depeche Mode (opening Depeche Mode's Tour of The Universe debut),Justice,CSS,
Calvin Harris in festivals such as SWSW, Szieget,Rock en Sien,Berlin Pride and Artistically collaborated John Reid (Nightcrawlers),Petite Meller,ELEW,Richard Judge,to name a few.
Music that Bruno composed and produced has Been featured in Warner Brother's blockbuster Movie "Final Destination 5" and Fox TV hit series "So You Think You Can Dance”.
Bruno has won the “Skully" award for Best Musical score in Los Angeles Screamfest Festival,for writing the full music of The psychological thriller:
"Goldberg & Eisenberg”.
The sound of his live performance is a mixture of sweet grungy vocals that are fused together with a wall of guitar sounds, celestial synths and apocalyptic beats.
Photo By: Katya Z
Contact Me
Emily Bloomfield | intuerimgmt@gmail.com
Tove Rasmussen | intuerimgmt@gmail.com